What's The Best Workout For Women?

I often get asked, "What is the best workout for women?" I think a lot of it depends on what your goals are. I think that it is safe to say that the majority of women out there are not interested in gaining a lot of muscle. I think losing fat and getting toned is a more common goal. This can easily be accomplished with a combination of diet and the correct type of training.
If looking good in a pair of jeans as well as a bikini is your goal, then I suggest that you decrease calories to lose fat and do some form of resistance training to tone your muscles and even gain a little muscle. I see most women putting too much emphasis on cardio and not enough on resistance training and diet.
You need to know that you can't out exercise a bad diet. Running on the treadmill for hours a day to try to burn off the excess fat that you have accumulated is not a very efficient use of your time. If this has been your workout, please consider making a change.
I am not totally against cardio, I just think that resistance training and tweaking your diet is going to bring you much better results. With a set of adjustable dumbells and a small bench, you can have some incredible workouts in the comfort of your own home. If you train at a gym, you most likely already have access to all the equipment that you will need.
You should pick some basic exercises that are designed to work several muscle groups at a time. Dumbell bench press, shoulder press, pull ups, dumbell rows, etc. Unless you are really trying to gain bulk, I suggest that you do not train to failure. Instead, stop a few reps short of failure. By doing this, you will get a more lean and slender look that will keep your femininity while still looking muscular.
When it comes to the best workout for women, there may not be no clear cut winner. The key is to train according to what your goals are and the look that you are after. Don't follow the same workout that a guy trying to get massive arms or legs is following. If you do, you just may get too bulky in the legs and hips, which goes against the lean and slender look that most women are after.
No matter what body style or how much weight that you need to lose, weight loss all comes down to three simple steps. The fitness and dieting industry try to make it more difficult that it really is so they can sell you the diet of the week or the newest magic pill that never works!
If you would like to finally leave all of the hype and lies behind and learn the real way to lose weight and get the body that you deserve, check out my blog at http://fitnessoverhaul.com. Once there, you can get a free 23 page ebook that will show you the 3 simple steps to weight loss.

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