15 Steps to Improve Your Self Confidence - To succed in your life

We are not born with confidence, but this can be taught, nurtured and built in recent years. With confidence comes increased self-esteem. At any time of life, trust is something you can learn. Dr. Karl Manning wrote. "Fears are educated into us and can be educated on" Confidence can be learned by us.

Consider using these steps as building blocks to increase confidence and self esteem.

1. Start writing a journal.

One way to do effective self-analysis is to start with a personal journal. Write down your perceptions of self-confidence. Write all the thoughts that come to mind. Also, try to ask what prevents you reach a point in your life you want to achieve. This practice does not work for everyone, so if, after experimenting with a magazine, do not increase their self-confidence, try another technique.

2. Conduct a self-assessment.

Learn to evaluate objectively. This allows you to prevent the constant state of confusion that comes from dependence on other points of view. Focus internally on how to think and feel about their own behavior, lifestyle, work, etc. provide a greater sense of self-awareness.

3. Accept and love yourself.

With a self-assessment is the realization of their weaknesses. Do not be discouraged by this discovery. Learning to accept and be accepted for who you are as a person. Each has its own distinctive skills, qualities and characteristics. We are all unique. Never compare yourself with others. In his diary, make an inventory of things that make you unique.
For example, you can make a list with the title: "What makes me unique" Enter the interest and preferences that make stand Be proud of your achievements and enjoy its uniqueness You must learn to accept... and be proud of who you are. only then you feel your confidence soar in the sky!

4. Focus on your strengths, not their weaknesses.

Confidence comes from within. Focus on the positive things about yourself. Remember that the passed no longer exists; you can change the future. Note ten positive things about yourself. Go through your journal and look at all the positive things about yourself.
Focus on your potential. These are the reasons why we love and believe in yourself. Give yourself credit for all the positive things you have written about yourself. Remember, you are someone special.

5. Overcoming fears and doubts.

Some people feel threatened, thinking they can never succeed in everything they do. This insecurity will only lead to a lack of confidence in itself and in all that you do in your life.
Note: If you have not tried something you can never say that you will fail in it. For example, your boss asks you to supervise a group, but I fear that will make a mess of it. This fear prevents you from taking on this work. However, if you are a confident person, who would think twice before failing and do not hesitate to have this job. Lack of confidence can affect your professional growth.

6. Motivate yourself.

Whether it is not at all a presentation, or an interview, remember that you can do. Motivating daily; and soon you will find your confidence growing.
A useful way to motivate yourself is to keep a list of at least five things you did well that day. This activity reaffirms its firm belief that you can achieve what you set out to achieve.

7. Participate in the conversation positive.

Use positive conversation as an opportunity to move the destructive thoughts flood your mind. When you catch yourself thinking negative thoughts, think about "stop" and replace them with positive thoughts. A good way to move the negative thoughts is by reading and hearing positive things.
Read and listen to positive and affirming materials enrich their skills and talents to develop their self-confidence. Read and listen to inspiring stories of successful people. You will discover that many of them were subjected to difficult circumstances has been a lot of difficulties and challenges in life, however, he overcame these difficulties and became successful in their efforts.

8. Visualize your success in the future.

regularly Imagine enjoying a success! Feel the excitement, the anticipation, the excitement and the thrill of victory. In order to have more confidence, you need to imagine himself as a person with high self-esteem. Imagine your self to face and overcome a difficult challenge with poise and confidence. Use your five senses to make the image in his mind alive and looks real.
Let's say that as part of the application process to teach in a music school, teachers will give a piano recital at school. You have trouble relaxing. Imagine your car into the room and walked confidently toward the piano. Imagine you act with confidence and joy. Imagine your audience applause and shouting, "Great!" Enjoy the sight, smell and taste of success. Is not that exciting?

9. Recognize your success.

Give yourself credit for everything you try. Point out the implementation process, these simple and courageous efforts exerted, rather than focusing on the success as a final product. Congratulate and reward yourself every time you do something that makes you feel satisfied. Treat yourself, you deserve it. Feed this feeling recalling past successes.
In his diary he wrote where they feel happiest. It can be an event or performance in which he felt a deep satisfaction and sense of accomplishment.
Bask in those memories and draw strength from them. Say this aloud. "If I am able to accomplish this in the past, can reach more today and in the future"

10. Accept and reframe failures.

It is an indication of a healthy mind if you are able to accept the negatives. If you are still crying for the mistakes he made in the past, we are never anywhere.
Always remember that errors and failures of the past can not be reversed; what is done is done. Accept that mistakes happen. Understand that every error or failure presented is a step towards success. When mistakes as a learning experience recognized, to minimize the fear of failure and increase their confidence.

11. take risks.

Try to do things you've never tried before. It is always difficult to do new things. The simple fact of accepting these challenges, whether you succeed or not, adds a boost in self-confidence. The decrease of the challenges that prevents us from learning new skills, discourage us to test our limits, and requires us to bring some life interesting in our comfort zones.
People with high self-esteem are not afraid to go out and do things. They may have limited ability or talent; but go out and "that" are not a problem for them because they feel confident that they will succeed. They are less afraid to make mistakes and using more likely to succeed. the people sure of themselves probably make more mistakes than those who are unsure of themselves, but they are more likely to have much more rewarding success because of their trust.

12. Act confidently.

His success in almost all efforts undertake to affected largely by his own image. People who are confident in their self-esteem seem to be magnets for success and happiness. Think confidence and act with confidence.

13. Attend seminars.

It is good to attend seminars with professional speakers and motivation that offer suggestions and tips to build confidence. At the conference, you can get tips on public speaking by observing the body language of the speaker and the way it is projected.

14. Recharge regularly.

Arrange to spend time alone to catch the forces mentally, physically and spiritually. Take some time to relax by yourself in a quiet location

15. Build a support network of relationships.

One of the most certain ways to build trust is to ensure that you have love in your life. Love and increasing confidence when serving to others as you strengthen your relationships with those who help them grow. A person receives a confidence boost to know that the Universe / God / Source supports / her as he / she exercises his / purpose in life itself.

These strategies can help strengthen and develop their self-confidence and self-esteem at every stage of your life. Self-confidence can help you in all aspects of their working lives: job search, interviewing, get promotions, handling of unemployment, from a home and the development of positive relations matters. Make use of these strategies and see positive changes in themselves.

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