Beginner Workout Program For Skinny Guys

Today I want to share a workout program with you that helped me gain 20 pounds of muscle in a little more than a year ( had I eaten well and not wasted my time with other mistakes I'd be at 30pounds now). I just recently stopped doing it myself. It is for everyone who is just starting to gain muscle and wants a good workout. It is a 3-day workout, split training. You should be going to the gym 3 times per week (no need for more) and giving plenty of rest for your body. You grow when you rest and NOT when you train. Here is it:
First day:
Bench press,
Dumbbell flies,
Incline bench press,
French presses,
Close grip bench press,
1 arm Dumbbell triceps extension leaning on the bench,
Bicycle, 3 sets and as much reps as you can do
Second day
Dead lifts,
Barbell Rows,
Dumbbell Rows,
Dumbbell curls,
Hammer curls ( also know as Neutral grip curls),
Barbell curls,
Crunches on the declined bench, 3 sets and as much reps as you can do
Third day
Leg presses,
Overhead press,
Lateral raises,
Reverse flies sitting on the bench,
All exercises are 3 sets and 8-10 repetitions!
That's all! It's not the easiest program that I could offer you, but it's based around compound exercises that are best for skinny guys gaining muscle. You can do it ;)
Stick to it for 3 months and let me know how it worked for you! I will be offering advanced training program in the future but it will be only for those who aren't new to bodybuilding.
Remember! A workout is about 20-30 percent of gaining muscle, nutrition is everything else!!! So don't forget to EAT, EAT, EAT!
I'm Adrian and I want to change the world for the better. I want to change the life for 1000 guys around the world. If you are skinny guy who is struggling or just starting to gain muscle, I suggest you visit my blog at It's only for skinny guys and advice comes from a guy who gained 20+ lbs himself. Best of luck.

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