You can Build Muscle Mass at Home

A common question often asked is. "Should I go join a gym to train and build muscle Probably the answer is" no "There are good points and of course ill to work both a gym and at home, but you can easily build muscle house.

Build Muscle Mass at Home
Working in a normal gym allows you to access all kinds of new and different types of computers, you can easily get professional advice as well, the more it is likely to be much safer. If you must move the team, then it can be a little annoying too or if those around him do not show the same motivation for building muscle as he does.

Build Muscle Mass at Home
There are many positive aspects to building muscle at home such as: very low cost, without moving, train with his shirt, to listen to their own music, learn to wait for certain equipment and can shout at the bar as that you want.

Build Muscle Mass at Home
The negatives are the initial spending money on what is necessary to purchase the equipment, although this is likely to last for centuries and can be sold again second side, you may also incur the wrath of his comrades / partner if too much space is used.

Build Muscle Mass at Home
Work-out at home allows you to build muscle mass to your liking and if you pass the following as guidelines to build muscle fast start, you should have no trouble working at home:

Build Muscle Mass at Home
1) Find a sufficiently large space such as a garage, basement or spare room. The soil should be firm and solid ground floor make a better choice. An advantage would be a well ventilated area. If you exercise in a garage so that water can not infiltrate because it inevitably harm your computer.

2) objects that are easily damaged permanently deleted. adequate warning is provided by YouTube where a person makes barbell curls unfortunately leaves the bar to push your big fish tank with a bar just a little too hard! Hilarious, of coarse, unless your fish tank. Try to get a permanent set as a training, this will prevent future mistakes like this. Imagine sliding bar on the plasma TV screen or dropping a dumbbell on a new laptop, not too funny.

3) Obtain the following equipment as a minimum: a set of dumbbells and barbells cast, a weight bench, squat, a rug, and a pull-up bar. The choice of home gym equipment is very good, so shop around a bit, but place great importance durability and resistance equipment, because you will have a lot of hammer in the years to come!

4) Create a decent program. With the above equipment, you can do all the classic muscle building exercises that will build muscle for you home. Bench presses, push-ups, pull-ups, dead lifts are all must have compound exercises that should be used followed by movements such as barbell curls, upright rows, shrugs, presses shoulder, lunges, side and bent over elevations lines are also good to use.

5) Be aware of the dangers. As you work alone then get a friend there to help you if you have any heavy rep maximum because this will help you stay safe. Make sure that all the weight plates are securely attached to the bar. most weight benches allow you to insert a pin in the bottom of the elevator when the bar is slightly above your chest, make sure you insert it as if you cannot lift it may take the pressure for you, do the same on the squat rack too.

Build Muscle Mass at Home
Thus, after the above "how to build models of muscular origin" can have a great workout, build a lot of muscle mass and in the comfort of your own home.

That the best way to Build Muscle Mass at Home

Muscle Mass Workouts - the truth!!!

You don't know how to Muscle Mass Workouts?

Are you seeing some real growth in your physique for your months of constant work at the gym? Or are you throwing your money away on supplements that don't live up to their promise to bulk you up in no time? Would you like to know how to rapidly create muscle tissue?
It really doesn't take much time or money if you have even a bit of knowledge of how muscular tissue grows and apply the knowledge correctly.  Here are a few tips.
Perform your routines with intensity.
In the event you are not experiencing the muscle gains you desire, the first thing you have to ask yourself is if your routines are intense. Intensity is critical for rapid muscle growth. If you are just going through the motions and seeing how many reps you can do, you may never succeed.
The prime rule in bodybuilding is that if you would like to grow massive quickly you must do hyper-intense exercises.
Your time within the gym needs to be productive, and you need to get the most out of every minute spent there by sweating it out. Push your reps as close as you can to the point of failure. You've heard the old adage "What doesn't kill you makes you stronger.". That definitely applies to bodybuilding. If you think you just cannot bump the intensity up anymore, try anyway until you know you can't.
Your body goes into a state of shock from these extreme exercises and immediately starts adapting and responding, helping to repair and grow tissue more rapidly. But there is more to getting buff than just correctly performing muscle mass workouts.
Do not skimp on protein intake.
Protein is the building block of muscles. You must ensure that there is adequate protein in your diet by keeping track of it. Are you eating the right meals, both prior to and after your routines? Do you use meal replacement packets to improve your protein intake and consume multiple high protein foods each day?
Proteins create muscular tissue, and you will not be able to develop muscles quickly unless you take in a satisfactory quantity of protein every day.
Eat a lot more often during the day.
Increasing your metabolic rate helps create muscular tissue speedily. The best natural way to increase your metabolic rate is to eat five to seven meals per day. These meals should be a combination of high quality proteins, some carbohydrates, and a little bit of fat. This will boost your metabolism and your capacity to create muscle tissue.
Stick with your diet and do not cheat.
You may undermine your potential to create muscle mass swiftly if you regularly consume food that is higher in carbohydrates and fat, albeit it can be okay to do so occasionally. Calories from proteins are necessary to improve strength and endurance and to create muscles quickly.
Drink a lot of water.
The cheapest, easiest to obtain, bodybuilding supplement is plain old water. Your muscles are 70 percent water and to quickly build muscle tissue, you should drink a lot of water. It could be the most essential element in your diet. Your target should be to drink at least 0.6 ounces of drinking water for each pound of body weight every day.
Get your rest.
You do not grow muscles at a fitness club. At the gym, your tissue is only broken down. The real bodybuilding process begins following your work out. You should ensure that your body gets satisfactory rest between workouts permit it to recover and develop more muscular tissue.
Training everyday will not help you develop muscle mass rapidly. To be able to create new muscular tissue, a day of rest between every three to four days of work out is as vital as correct nutrition.
Get sufficient sleep.
You also have to sleep well at night in addition to taking adequate rest between workouts. It is recommended that you sleep for at least eight hours if you want to grow muscle tissue at a rapid pace. Rest deprivation will trigger the production of a hormone known as grehlin, which causes you to feel hungry and lowers the body's testosterone and growth hormone levels.
You'll find it tough to stick to a proper diet and keep training with maximum intensity unless you get satisfactory sleep. Your fat burning capacity improves when you rest properly, helping you to speedily get that ripped look that we all desire.
In summary, the keys to getting the most out of your muscle mass workouts are intensity, diet, rest and tracking everything you do so you never miss a step.
Download your free Muscle Building mini-course at

Muscle Mass Workouts - the truth!!!

Have you ever wondered how to find good muscle mass workouts? There are actually a lot of resources online that will help you. But where to start? A good place for men to go is Men's Health. Women can go here too of course. They will give you a great low-down of all the best nutrition and workout regimens you can imagine. It is also good to join a forum to get support from people who are also getting comfortable with their own muscle mass workouts.
The best place to start is searching online actually. You can find a whole regimen that will show you exactly what you need to go to get started. Not only exercises you need to do, but nutrition as well. There are equations that will tell you exactly how many calories you need to eat in order to gain weight. In other articles I discuss these things in greater detail, but for this article i would like to talk about some different types of muscle mass workouts for different people with different goals.
1. Hardgainers - Muscle mass workouts for a "hardgainer" or somebody who has trouble gaining muscle mass, will be lower repetitions of higher amounts of weight. This combined with the proper diet will add pounds of muscle to even the skinniest guys. Supplements can help, especially things like whey protein. A good muscle mass workout for a hardgainer will involve lots of muscle groups at a time. You can't go wrong with squats, sweeps, and bench presses. In the beginning a three-day a week workout plan that targets three different groups of muscles will be fine. As long as you are consistent and are eating clean food well above your caloric requirement, you will gain weight. Please note that consistency is the number one ingredient for success.
2. Runners - Try starting a three-day a week routine that focuses on abs and legs. Then, if you get ambitious, add some shoulder, back, and arms stuff in. Couldn't hurt, could it?
3. Women (or anyone who wants tone not bulk) - Try high-repetition, low resistance and a healthy amount of cardio. Even though I say low-resistance, you SHOULD still be challenging yourself. Otherwise you will never get any stronger.
Okay, I hope that general overview was helpful, for more specific info, please visit my resource section.
Have you ever wanted to gain muscle mass but you haven't known where to start? Check out this free resource lens I put together on the subject:

The Road To Fitness

For most of us, choosing to be fit is more a test of will than a one time decision. Being "fit" covers a change in our lifestyle much more than just embarking upon a new exercise or diet program. For me, the choice came about 15 years ago. I was about 24 years old when friends of mine convinced me to start going to the gym as a group. At that time, I knew I didn't really like the way I looked, so I thought it would be a good idea. How hard could it be? 

Well, it didn't take long before I knew the answer to that question. And to tell you the truth, at that time my workouts were not that difficult. But getting up at 5am to be at the gym by 5:30, certainly was, Also, since there were 4 of us and only 1 really knew what he was doing, the workouts were VERY long. Too long when you mix in the water cooler talk that often took over some workouts.
So, after trying this approach for about 3 weeks I still wasn't motivated nor did I look forward to working out and was about to quit. As luck would have it for me, 2 guys in the group beat me to it, leaving just myself and the only person who knew anything about working out correctly at that time. That changed everything.
With just 2 of us now, we were much more focused and I got some really good coaching on the basics. After a month of 1-1 time, we started increasing the intensity of the workouts and mixing in some really fun cycle classes. Somewhere within the next month, I saw a change. Not just in my appearance, but my outlook and attitude were all effected. At that point, I was hooked. I worked out consistently at the gym 5 times a week incorporating cardio, running and weights. I looked and felt good thinking this would always be my way of life.
And it was, until about 5 years ago. In 2007, my mother was diagnosed with brain cancer and turned my life upside down. I quickly lost interest in many of my normal activities including fitness. During the next 2 years, I really let myself go and didn't much care to get back into the swing of things. A major life changing event will do this to a person, and I was no exception. 

My wife became really concerned about my decline in fitness and began encouraging me to get back into it. I tried but absolutely could not get motivated. After much research and a hard look in the mirror, I was able to pull back the self discipline I once had. It was not easy, and it took a lot of planning and hard work. So, today, I want to share what helped me conquer my fitness demons. Hope these help you.
The reason I'm giving so much background of my personal fitness experience is to show that each of us will struggle in different ways with choosing fit. Lifetime fitness really isn't a "one size fits all" approach. We all have different situations that initiate our interest of getting in shape, keeping us motivated and sustaining the lifestyle for the long term. However, I do believe there are some common practices we can all adopt to help us overcome obstacles at any of these stages and become an improved, healthier and fit person.
1. Initiate - This may be the easiest of the 3 stages because it only requires us to decide to get fit, but not actually do anything. That said, don't underestimate the importance and key factors that should be use to initiate your fitness journey. The main things to remember here are these:
  • Do this for you! Be sure you're not just giving in to pressure from others. You need to be willing to take this step and feel good its the right approach for you.

  • Start with the end in mind. Set goals and imagine what you want your body and health to reflect during the journey. Lose 25 pounds, Get ripped, lower cholesterol, feel better, keep up with the kids.

  • Choose the right program.- The right fitness program for you is very important and will vary depending on your fitness starting point. Choosing one too hard, or that doesn't yield results fast enough will quickly discourage you and run the risk of bailing too quickly. Find the balance of enjoyable exercise that challenge you enough to hit early goals. Don't discount the power of proven favorites like walking, jogging and biking to get started. These can help your body start getting into a routine that will be a base to adopt going forward. Just try to perform your exercise at the same time daily to get your internal clock know what to expect. As you establish a rhythm, and hit some milestones you've set, it may be time to try new programs or increase the difficulty of your current routines. For a list of some awesome routines, just leave a comment requesting it.

  • Accept that your eating habits MUST change. Like it or not, it is part of the game. By not embracing the fact that the workouts alone will not cut it, you're bound to fail when results do not come. The good news is, the change in eating habits can actually be a very positive experience. You'll feel great and have the energy to workout the right way. Completely removing everything you like about food is the WRONG way to approach this. You can still eat really good tasting and satisfying foods without sabotaging your hard work. There are even ways to sneak in your favorites and not feel guilty about it, so don't worry about that. Just know that what and how you eat makes all the difference in the end.
2. Stay Motivated - Everyone is motivated out of the gate when starting a fitness program, but that quickly fades for many people when they realize the process is more difficult than they imagined. Make no mistake, getting fit is HARD, but the challenge is not unlike anything else worth having in life. You must commit and keep motivated using several tactics, of which I've tried many. Try these to help you stay on track.
  • Aim for some quick results. Everyone wants this, but it is key to see some quick results early on so that the momentum of starting the program does not dwindle. Losing a pound or two, dropping a pant size, completing a workout without stopping, whatever makes you feel good. Be realistic about this, but have something you shoot for so you can taste success and drive you to continue.

  • Read about being fit. This is truly a big motivator as it shows you success stories and gives a lot of ideas about achieving goals. So take the time to read a magazine or internet article about your favorite exercise, or healthy food. You'll be surprised how engaged you may quickly become.

  • Get the sweat flowing. For me, a workout that doesn't do this leaves me somewhat empty. Getting your heart rate up (and sweating) activates all of the key things that makes exercise so effective. It burns calories, strengthen the heart and cardio system, and releases endorphins in the brain that make you feel great. You'll see!

  • Never settle - Set, Reset and Reset your PB (Personal Best). Constantly challenging your last record is an awesome way to stay in the game. Run that mile faster, go longer, extra reps, extra sets, higher jumps, deeper lunges, better form. The list can go on and on. You can be your best competition and there's nothing like competition to motivate the heart and soul. So kick your own butt! You'll enjoy it.

  • Do what you can! We all have limits and quite often use them as excuses that interfere with our fitness routines. Time, stress, aches, and tiredness all contribute to our justification to digress or completely stop a program. Don't let that happen. If you find yourself giving in to one of these temptations, try to at least do something. Convince yourself you can at least do 1/2 or even 1/3 of a workout. (10 minutes? Don't go as intense or fast. Give yourself a break, without actually giving yourself a break. You may be surprised by convincing yourself to at least get started, you'll be more willing to push harder during the workout.

  • Don't tempt yourself or give in to food junkies. Everyone I know encounters this during their fitness journey. It involves either being introduced to a food situation that makes it difficult to say no, or being encouraged by others to "cheat" even when they know how you feel about staying on track. By giving in to either, you will likely feel guilty afterwards, which oddly enough increases your chances to continue cheating. The negative feeling of guilt are powerful and can actually begin a vicious cycle of continuing the pattern, so don't let this happen. The first of these is actually easier to deal with by simply planning around it, or modifying the portions of food you have available so they at least meet some of the standards of your diet. For the second, if you find yourself in this situation often, have a gameplan. Either be ready to defend your stance on cheating or plan to deal with it in another way. Maybe use it as your cheat meal, compensate for it on the next day or week, or modify the portions so you can at least control the damage.

  • Keep a support network. Family, friends, social networks, whatever. Have some person you can confide in about your struggles that can offer positive support. Works wonders in the beginning.
3. Sustain the Life Style. This part can seem a little easier once you achieve your goals, but the long term approach to fitness is actually one that must always be top of mind. While this stage is a practice of discipline, even an "iron will" can be bent when the lifestyle is too far from what a person enjoys. So how can you force yourself to embrace a long term lifestyle that doesn't match who you are? Well, actually you can't. I think people are amazing and capable of just about anything. But not allowing yourself to be YOU jeopardizes your character and simply said, is not right for anyone.
Because of this, let's look at this challenge from a different approach. How do create a lifestyle that is both fit and matches your personality? The answer may be a little different for everyone, but for me, I can provide a few tips that helped. Consider these and possibly modify to suit your own needs.
  • Find your fit, in fitness! Put another way, find exercise and diet that allow you to be fulfilled. What activities do you enjoy, or for that matter, dislike? Running, walking, lifting, bike riding, Plyometrics, calisthenics, WiiFit, whatever. If nothing lights your fire, you will have a tough road hereJ However, if you've read this far into the post, I doubt there's nothing for you.

  • Challenge yourself! Once you've found the exercise(s) you enjoy, don't always settle for moderate workout. You need to push yourself for various reasons. It not only keeps your workouts interesting, it provides the edge required to make an impact on your fitness. The level of "intensity" differs from person to person, but you know when you've given your all. Don't cheat yourself out of real benefits. I don't think someone really taps into the true benefits of fitness until they crank up the volume of the workout. You'll look better, feel better, and even be more confident and positive.

  • Learn how to eat clean, then do it 90% of the time. There are a ton of books on the topic of eating right, and they all have some validity. Find a good nutrition plan that works for your body, and learn the framework. Once you understand the basics of nutrition, portion control and the most harmful foods to avoid, the rest can be adapted to your eating habits. Now, eat this way 90% of the time. This gives you the break people need to keep their sanity. I eat approx 5 times a day, which means I have 35 meals per week. In my world, I allow 3 of those meals to stray from my normal eating. I don't lock myself to a day, or time of day to do this. I choose the right meal to allow this based on "life". Sometimes it's a donut breakfast with my daughter or an awesome dinner with my wife. Maybe a good ole fashion home cooked meal from my mother in law. It doesn't matter, just stay committed not to go beyond this limit and please don't overdo it. The 90% rule is not a free for all at the dinner table. That could really wreck your progress! It is a way to give yourself the freedom you need to eat foods you really enjoy to make the system work for you.

  • Variety, Variety, Variety! Did I say that enough? If so, it's because I believe without variety in your fitness it will inevitably become boring while not allowing enough areas of the body to get attention. If workouts become stale and mundane, you run the risk of disengaging in them and eventually quit. Who wants to do always do something that's boring and hard..NOT! This doesn't mean you have to always recreate your entire workout. Most often slight adjustment to your current routine will provide the mix needed to spice them up. If you run/bike, change the route, look at modifying the weights or reps on a lifting routine, even changing the intensity or order of the exercises can help liven things up. Whatever you decide to do to make them a little different helps and you'll see how quickly it rekindles your interest in staying fit.
Hopefully these tips on "Choosing Fit" will help you Set, Hit and Maintain your fitness goals. They have done wonders for me in my life and I am constantly looking for new items to add in each section. Let me know your own ideas, and feel free to share with all your fit friends. Like I said, it's a tough road but worth it and doable with a little bit of strategy. Hope this helps you on your journey.
Noah Boudreaux

How To Achieve Your Fitness Goals With Ease

The truth is, working out and staying fit is not as hard as many people think. The problem is that some fitness trainers make a mountain out of a mole hill when it comes to achieving fitness goals. This is why you should insist on getting fitness help from only a qualified fitness trainer gym. This way, you can get the right help you need to lose weight or stay fit with ease.
So, How Can a Qualified Trainer Help You Achieve Your Fitness Goals Easily?
First, let's look at who a qualified trainer is. A qualified trainer is someone who is trained to coach people to attain their desired fitness level. A licensed trainer does more than showing people how to use gym machines.
He or she is skillful and competent in helping fitness enthusiasts attain a level of fitness that is suitable for their body needs.
Now, here are great ways that an eligible personal trainer can help you attain the fitness level that you desire;
#1: The Starting Point is Proper Analysis of Your Lifestyle
A qualified fitness trainer does not create a fitness program for you without first analyzing your lifestyle thoroughly. The analysis or examination will include your state of health, in this case he may ask for a current medical report to ascertain your health fitness prior to creating any fitness program.
Also, an eligible personal trainer will determine the type of exercises you embark on currently, and how regular you carry out the exercises. Another aspect is your present diet (which is an essential part of fitness), and the fitness level you are targeting ultimately.
Talking about healthy diet, it is best to learn how to prepare your own fitness/healthy nutritional meals. So, with these essential pieces of information, a qualified trainer can go ahead to create a custom, result-oriented fitness program that suits your lifestyle as well as desired fitness level. He or she will also target a hassle-free fitness program that is completely realistic.
#2: Prescription of Appropriate/Customized Nutritional Plan
Another excellent way that a qualified instructor helps you to attain hassle-free and successful fitness goal is by recommending suitable weight loss meals for your specific fitness nutrition needs.
Even if you want to gain healthy weight, the trainer will be able to provide accurate nutritional plan information for this purpose. Tailoring the meal plan to your specific need will boost excellent result.
This may also call for recommendation of the best healthy meals cooking classes such as the EATZ NJ. Finally, you need lots of motivation to carry on with your fitness program to a successful end. Again, this is where you need a qualified trainer to provide targeted motivational and self-confidence enhancement training. Learn more about the benefits of using a qualified GTZ personal trainer in our next post.
For more tips, tricks, and to try our Rapid Fat Loss Program visit
George Perelshteyn is a fitness boot camp personal trainer with Gravity Training Zone, a gym in New Jersey.

How to Make It As a Fitness Model!

So you want to be a fitness model?

People who follow my stuff know I usually write about nutrition, supplements, training, and other topics that are based on the science of subjective questions such as what is covered in this article. I decided to peel myself science geek, and write about a topic that I know will be useful to thousands of seriously and I want to be fitness models.

Fitness Model
As a science called "core" no BS based writer, why I write what some perceive as an article of "fluff"? Over the years, I became hundreds, even thousands of girls who ask me by email, letter or in person "How to become a fitness model? You have been in long cases, dour of all persons should know. " I get it recruits and I get that women who were at one time, but have not been able to "break" effectively.

Fitness Model
The fact is that I am in the gym, health and fitness biz a long time, and although I am known as a science and nutrition based "guru" type, formed a large number of a fitness athlete, and fitness and figure / bikini judged sample NPC fitness America, gym United States and other federations, as well as marketing tips and business to all types of athletes, including fitness models. Therefore, it is not as far-fetched as it may seem, I'll use this space to cover a non-scientific subject, which is, how do you be a fitness model.

This article will be useful for both experienced and novice kinds seeking to "break in" to the company. If you are a professional model and successful fitness, I'm sure you can always find useful information in this article.

Fitness Model
First the bad news, there is no way to becoming a successful fitness model. There is no one way or magical secret. However, there are some important things a person can do to greatly improve their chances of "what is" in the fitness business as a model, and perhaps use this success as a springboard to greater things such as movies, television, etc.

Fitness Model
Several of the top fitness models (Trish Stratus and Vicki Pratt come to mind, but there are many others) went from racing performances of all kinds. In short, although there is no magic secret to success as a fitness model, this article will be the closest thing to a successful model, because it has.

"Is it necessary to participate?"

This is a question I ask myself all the time and is not easy to answer. In fact, the answer is (drum roll) yes and no. The person at the deicide because compete first to answer this question. For example, do you need to compete if your goal is to be a successful fitness model?

Fitness Model
The answer is no. Many fitness models well known today have never competed or contributed in some small concerts and, of course, was not part of his success as a fitness model. However, competition has its potential uses.

Fitness Model
One is the exposure. In high-level performance, often there will be publishers, editors, photographers, businessmen complement, and other business people. Therefore, competition can improve your exposure. Moreover, competition can make sense if you are trying to build a business that is related to their competence or benefit of winning a show.

Fitness Model
For example, suppose you have a private gym training that is trying to build. Firm, taking the title of Ms. Fitness America say, or national NPC win and be a professional IFBB help your reputation and your company's reputation. There were many scenarios that help to win a show for a business or other activities.

Fitness Model
On the other hand, we must realize that winning a show that does not prevent a guarantee of success, so at the end of the business (and it is really a business) to be a fitness model . The phone often rings until the hook with special offers for the contracts. It is also very important to realize that it is common for the 4th or 6th or 8th placed in a gymnastics spectacle or figure will more press than the winner. Why? While the winner may have what it takes to win the program, which is often other girls in the editor, editorials, supplement manufacturers, etc., are no longer trading.

Fitness Model
I have seen many times where the winner was surprised to find that it has not received much attention as I expected and other girls who place less attention attracted in homes, magazines cover photos, etc. Something to keep in mind when we ask the important question "Do we need to compete and if so, why am I compete?" Answering this question, and you will know the answer to the title of this section. Win any title can be a step forward but not in itself a guarantee of success in the fitness industry. It's like a college degree; which is what you do with it.

Fitness Model
Now. If you are competing for the fun of it, then by all means go ahead, but the above focuses on competition as regards the aspect of the company to be a fitness model form.

body straight, sore federation?

Ok, so after reading the above it was determined to be in competition, or will compete again. If you're not going to compete, you can skip this section. The biggest mistake I see here is so many girls have the right body for evil federation. Each federation has its own evaluation criteria and a competitor hurt, simply because not bother to investigate this show would be best suited for them.

Fitness Model
I'll give you an example of perfect real world. Recently I judged a show whose criteria for the round face was women should be more on the curves slightly softer tone compared to become more muscular and athletic with less body fat than other federations could help out. In this show one of the most beautiful women I've ever seen come out. She was very proportional, great muscle tone, slim, fit and athletic with narrow hips and waist and wider shoulder. How does this show? She did not even place in the top ten!

Fitness Model
Why? Because it was not what we asked to look and do not meet the criteria. After the show, he was told that he looked good, but this can not the federation for her. I told him that he had more than one body type of the NPC, where it rewards a bit more muscle, athletic, and less body fat.

Next week I judge myself a gym and bodybuilding NPC figure show and there she was. As did? She won the whole show with all their judges issue a unanimous vote.

Fitness Model
Conversely, if your body type tends to be more rounded and toned but with a little wider (but not fat!) Body fat hips, which can be better than the competition say that the ability America parades. If you are going to compete:

(1) know exactly what the evaluation criteria is for the federation and

(2) go see the shows as a spectator in several different federations and see what their physical, style, etc. is most suitable.

(3) You need to decide if you really have the athletic ability to participate in a fitness contest (which requires routine) or competition figure / bikini.

Fitness Model
I often see women who would do well in a picture show, but do not really have the athletic skills are necessary routines to compete with other athletes in the show. Some programs allow you to do both competitions and some usual.

Networking 101: dos and don'ts ...

Fitness Model
In many ways, this is the area that will make or break any business, and yet people in the fitness industry do a bad job at it amazingly. If not to the network and marketed properly, you can almost forget about having a real success as a fitness model or a success in almost all businesses. For reasons of space, we'll just fitness.

Fitness Model
When I started, I am a self-marketing machine. It is on every show, I thought it might be a chance, walking the islands fairs, fitness, entertainment, fitness show, and others. I gave a zillion card and took home a million me and followed on each. I went to all the meetings related to the industry, outings, parties, etc. I could get. Now I have the reputation and experience in the industry should not go to a show unless I feel like it or have meetings, but they were very helpful at first.

Fitness Model
I'm always amazed how many fitness models who contact me who have never been on the fitness weekend Arnold Classic, or Mr. Olympia or NNFA fairs like Expo West and others. If you want to do in the fitness business that you'd better insurance deal as a business.

Fitness Model
I have seen many a pretty girl who wants to be a fitness model who think that if they are looking long enough, someone will offer to put your face on the cover of a magazine. Latest news, there are millions of beautiful women there and you realize you have to hustle to get that company as worldwide for networking your buttocks, or have a good agent (if you can allow such a thing) is for you.

Fitness Model
Collect some major industry programs to help (some of which were mentioned above) and go to them every year. Having a game plan exactly how you will yourself and network on the market. Many fitness models, bodybuilders, etc. see a show like a big party. If you are, then have fun at the party, but I think it really sells itself as a business person or serous athlete.

Fitness Model
Another thing that always surprises me is the number of fitness models who either do not have business cards or have cards printed on your printer bubble jet home! They ask me to help or whatever and I say "give me your card" and looking at me like "I'm so beautiful it should not need a crazy card." This attitude of publishers, photographers, writers and people from the industry goes faster if they found out you were really a transvestite. Do not do it. Each pretty out there who think the world owes them a favor girl, there are 100 who are willing to act as professionals.

Fitness Model
Have you ever wondered why some fitness models you know is doing better than they are in knowing you're cuter than him? Perhaps the reason ... never go to a show the network without good letters, biographies, and professionally done head and body shots that can give these publishers, editors, photographers, types of industry, etc. Do not stay enough watching assuming find, first find them and introduce yourself. And, of course, it must be obvious that there must be in good condition and have some tan to look better.

Fitness Model
Want to go to shows and parties? Well, but do it in private, after the job is done and not make a fool of yourself in any meeting sponsored by industry. Hell, he almost paid a taxi in recent years Arnold Classic after going to a sushi place with some familiar types of industry and business owners (who know who you are! ) But at least you could not see me! We had our own little private meeting together after the show to let go.

Fitness Model
Let me give you a concrete example of how NOT end market. Last year, I was selected as consultant for a midsize business supplement. The owner of the company asked me if I knew a couple of fitness model types that could work to your booth for a trade show. In fact, he called for "unknown, some new faces of people had not seen, but he had a real potential to grow with the company." I went and found two of the girls that I thought fit the project law.

Fitness Model
He offered to pay for their flight, accommodation and food, more than a thousand dollars for every working day. The two girls were said to be in position 09 of the sharp morning. Last night at the hotel, I saw the two girls who were in a taxi in 11 or so dressed to kill, well on their way to the party. The next day they appeared in the cabin an hour and a half late and hung up! What was the result? (1) I am endlessly bothered people as recommended by the owner of the company (2) that would never work in this company again (3) that never work with me again and (4) does not reach a reference nor for other jobs.

Fitness Model
I see this kind of thing all the time in the fitness business, and not limited to fitness models. Surprisingly, a few weeks after the show who sent me and the owner of the company want to know when your next job! Unbelievable ...

You love your baby?

If there is one universal truth, it is that the camera either loves you or not. All professional photographers say this. For some reason, some people are very photogenic and some are not. Indeed, there are some well-known fitness models (who will remain nameless, since I would probably hit the next time you see me) who are not as attractive in person. It's just that the camera loves them and they are very photogenic, but not very nice in person.

Fitness Model
On the contrary, I have often seen the reverse; a girl who is looking much better in person than in photographs. Such is the fate of the person who wants to be a model of any kind, including fitness model. If you find that is not very photogenic, keep working with different photographers until you find one that really captures well and generously pay the photographer!

Fitness Model
Now, to be honest, frankly, there are also some want to be fitness models who are not "photogenic" are "fugly"! There are people out there who have nothing to try to be fitness models. Do not bad people, it just means that they need to get out of their delusions and find a profession that are best suited for, like radio personality ....

"How can I get in magazines?"

This section sort of everything I've covered above are incorporated, and adds some additional strategies. For example, as I mentioned before, competing in fitness and the sample or shown in figure / bikini, you can increase your exposure, thus getting the attention of some magazine editor or photographer. The establishment of a network properly in various trade fairs can also have the same effect, and of course have a good portfolio by a photographer that really catches the eye, a good website, etc., increase their potential to enter the magazines, or get publicity work, and so on.

Fitness Model
However, all these strategies are still active against both passive in my opinion. Fitness model is still waiting to be "discovered". In my case, is waiting for the bus and pregnancy tests. Success not expect ... or woman as the case may be. So after all the advice above is taken into account by having an additional effect of getting a magazine cover, what can we do?

Fitness Model
First, you should read and become familiar with all the magazines you want to be sure that you know who is who and what is the style of the different compartments. I can tell you now, if say the editor of a physical size or strength training publications and said "Hi, I'm Bob Smith what is your name?" and the fitness model has no idea Bob Smith, Bob will not take kindly to that. Why should I do that? You should know that are major players in publications wanting to be seen. He is doing a favor, and not the reverse. You need to know who are the main actors and actively seek not wait "discover" it.

Fitness Model
If you look at the header in any magazine that will tell you who the publisher, the editor is and so on. The mailing address for the magazine, and often e-mail and website can be found. What it is to prevent you from seeking the names and post your photos and resume directly? Nothing, that's what. If you see a photo you think is spread very well, what is to prevent you from discovering who the photographer, and contact them directly and send them to your photos? Nothing, that's what.

Fitness Model
My point is, you want to get a break in business, not break, do not sit there thinking you need, because it is not. Be proactive and not reactive! Luck is the residue of design. Succeed by design. As my older brother told me as a child when I say I'm too scared to ask out a pretty girl "what's the worst that can happen to Will? All I can say is no." This is the worst that can happen to you too.

Beware of web idiots schlubs, morons, perverts, foam bags, and sleazoids!

This piece is a kind of self-explanatory, but worth mentioning. As with all sectors involved based entertainment media (eg, television, theater, modeling, etc.), the fitness industry attracts its share web far idiots schlubs, nerds, evil, bags foam and sleazoids, to name a few.

Fitness Model
There is also the kind of person known schmoe name, but let's leave that for another time and place. The point is you want to know the right people, while not participating in this group of guys worthless, that just drag you down, delay, or outright crap again and again.

Fitness Model
For example, a guy comes in and says he wants to "pull" for magazines, but do you really know this guy? It has a camera and business cards, so it's a good photographer? False! If someone wants to kill you and are not a household name (and you should know that they are known photographers because you investigated already!) Know who they are. Do they have references that you can call? Girls who can contact shot him before and were happy with the work? What magazines published in? Is professionally or as a hobby? This type of things.

Fitness Model
Another thing I see is the great web scam. I'm amazed how many girls get fooled by these web idiots. Lesson here is that you get what you pay for, so that when a person wants to build a website for free, you get what you pay for. Yes, there is a lot of money to be on the net, and the network can be great to market yourself and make contacts, but most of it is a scam.

Fitness Model
You are better off paying a good web designer and web master who has experience with other types of fitness models and references that can speak. I can not tell you the number of girls who have been screwed onto something online that went to hell, like the "fan" offered to build a free website and either escapes with the money of this page or put your selections porn sites and a number of other things that do complain like hell always agree with the site first.

Obviously, I can not continue with the list of all the potential dangers of web idiots schlubs, morons, perverts, foam bags, and sleazoids there that are collected in the entertainment industry, but you get the 'idea. Be careful!


therefore concludes about my down and dirty guide to the basics of "what is" like a fitness model. Of course, there are many problems with the company that could cover and tricks that could give, but the above is the best advice is to find small space and will do more for you, if correctly followed what you can achieve.

That the perfect way to Make It As a Fitness Model! 

Workout For Women in 5 Easy Steps!

Nowadays, it is equally important for women to look good. All the top models in the film and modeling industry have a great physique. No wonder these girls get so many offers to do various advertisement and movies on and off screen. So, proper workout for women is equally important.
However, a common question that each individual asks is whether these girls actually look good off the screen or not. Well the answer is yes-they certainly do! It is because they know the correct mantra of staying fit and looking good. Every woman can follow these easy steps to remain fit, just like their role models on screen.
The foremost thing that women should imbibe in their lifestyle is aerobics. Interestingly, there are many teachers who can teach you aerobics in a suitable manner. This would help your body to become supple and agile.
The other thing that most women prefer is yoga. Yoga seems to be the best workout method both for men as well as women. Women should do yoga during the earlier part of the day. This is highly essential in providing both mental peace as well as physical relaxation.
Women also prefer indulging in cardio exercises. These exercises involve the usage of light weights as these do not adversely affect their delicate physique.
Swimming is also an exercise which is easy to learn and is an ideal part of workout for women. Women can easily learn swimming which in turn would allow them to lose weight apart from staying fit. Running is perhaps the simplest workout technique that every woman should employ. While jogging or walking longer distances, one tends to lose weight easily.
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